Come express yourself through poetry with Toluwanimi Obiwole from Lighthouse Writers. Ven a expresarte a través de poesía con Toluwanimi Obiwole de Lighthouse Writers.
Come express yourself in a safe space by reading and writing poetry with Toluwanimi Obiwole from Lighthouse Writers. In each class we'll read through different styles and authors of poetry. Then, by the end of the series, you'll learn how to develop your own style of writing poetry.
Note: You don't have to participate in all classes and are welcome to come to any class you want/can. Students who join all classes may gain a more well-rounded understanding of poetry.
Appropriate for teens ages 13 to 18. No advanced registration required.
Ven a expresarte en un espacio solidario leyendo y escribiendo poesía con Toluwanimi Obiwole de Lighthouse Writers. En cada clase leeremos diferentes estilos y autores de poesía. Al final de la serie aprenderás a desarrollar tu estilo de escritura poética.
Nota: No tienes que participar en todas las clases y eres bienvenido a asistir a cualquiera de las clases que quieras o puedas. Los estudiantes que asistan a todas las clases tendrán un entendimiento más integral sobre la poesía.
Apropiado para edades de 13 a 18 años. Este programa se ofrecerá en inglés. No es necesario inscribirse de forma anticipada
AGE GROUP: | Teens |
EVENT TYPE: | Writing | Arts & Culture |
TAGS: | Writing | Teens | Teen | Poetry slam | Poetry | National Poetry Month |
Mon, Mar 17 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Tue, Mar 18 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Wed, Mar 19 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Thu, Mar 20 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Fri, Mar 21 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sat, Mar 22 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sun, Mar 23 | Closed |
Anythink Huron Street is a 25,000-square-foot library located at the intersection of Conifer and Huron streets in Thornton. On Feb. 6, 2010, this fantastic facility opened its doors to library customers in the communities of Northglenn, Thornton, Federal Heights and surrounding areas. Anythink Huron Street is Gold LEED certified and includes fun, inspiring spaces for all ages to enjoy.