In this class we will use scrap fabric and a sewing machine to repair large holes and rips. You are invited to bring in your own clothing that needs repair.
When it comes to keeping our favorite clothes in rotation and out of the landfill, learning how to repair them is essential.
*Note: Please do not bring any stretchy, knit, and extremely thin fabrics as they cannot be used for this class. Go for cottons and other medium weight textiles.
You’re invited to interweave yourself into the community through this expansive beginner’s sewing series. Your instructor, Jackie Drummond (they/she), will be guiding you through the basics of using a sewing machine and various stitching and sewing methods through all of February. You can come to each lesson or hop around into whatever class, skill or interest calls you! See the complete list of classes here.
Experience threading/setting up a sewing machine is recommended to attend this class. All supplies will be provided.*
Appropriate for adults and teens 13 and older. Space is limited; registration required.
*Please read each class description closely. For some classes you need to bring your own clothes for alterations or repairs.
Cuando se trata de mantener tus prendas de vestir favoritas en buen estado y fuera de los vertederos, es esencial aprender a repararlas. En esta clase usaremos retazos de tela y una máquina de coser para remendar agujeros grandes y rasgaduras. Estás invitado a traer tus prendas que necesitan reparación. Nota: No traigas telas elásticas, tejidas o demasiado delgadas, ya que no pueden usarse en esta clase. Trae artículos en algodón u otros textiles con textura mediana.
Estás invitado a entretejerte en la comunidad por medio de esta extensa serie de clases de costura para principiantes. La persona instructora Jackie Drummond (pronombres elles/ella) te guiará por los conceptos básicos de usar una máquina de coser y de varias puntadas y métodos de costura todo el mes de febrero. Puedes venir a cada lección semanal ¡o solo asistir a las clases que te interesen! Consulte aquí la lista completa de todas las clases.
Se recomienda tener experiencia enhebrando y preparando la máquina para coser, para asistir a esta clase. Se suministrarán todos los materiales.*
Apropiado para edades de 13 años en adelante y adultos. Este programa se ofrecerá en inglés. El espacio es limitado; se requiere inscripción.
*Por favor lee con atención la descripción de cada clase. Para algunas clases debes traer tu propias prendas para hacerles cambios o arreglos.
Mon, Mar 10 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Tue, Mar 11 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Wed, Mar 12 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Thu, Mar 13 | 9:00AM to 7:00PM |
Fri, Mar 14 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sat, Mar 15 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sun, Mar 16 | Closed |
Anythink Wright Farms, located on 120th Avenue and Holly Street in Thornton, is the district's flagship branch and houses the district’s administrative offices. A computer lab, teen area, and 7,000-square-foot children's area are just some of the incredible features of the 45,000-square-foot library.
The Studio at Anythink Wright Farms, a digital creation lab featuring state-of-the-art video, audio and design equipment and software, partners creative community members with teens to help push their creativity to new bounds. Adjacent to the building is a one-acre park made possible by the Wright Farms Metro District that includes outdoor seating, reading nooks and Explore Outdoors, a certified Nature Explore children’s outdoor classroom. Continuing its dedication to sustainability, Anythink Wright Farms is a Gold LEED certified building with many sustainable features, including use of recycled materials, daylight harvesting and ground source heating and cooling.
The landscaped site also includes a community garden, maintained by local community members in partnership with Denver Urban Gardens. To reserve a plot in the Anythink Wright Farms garden, please email