Register 10 Seats Remaining
Calling all teen and young adult writers, poets, and performers: You’re invited to attend and compete in Anythink’s second Youth Poetry Slam with Adams County Poet Laureate Kerrie Joy!
Bring your friends and family to enjoy a fun evening with delicious snacks and a special performance by featured artist, Tekyra “Moe Awakened” Miles.
Want to compete? Here are all the details:
This event is being hosted at Parsons Theatre in collaboration with Northglenn Arts. Parsons Theatre is located inside Northglenn Recreation Center at 1 E. Mem. Pkwy Entrance, Northglenn, CO 80233.
Poetry Slam Competition Rules
Want to come to watch and support?
Audience members of all ages are welcome to come cheer on the poets! Come have fun connecting with other poetry lovers and youth in your community. No registration is necessary to attend as an audience member.
All ages are welcome to attend the Poetry Slam, but only youth 24 years old and younger will be allowed to perform/compete. This event is free of charge and will be hosted in English.
AGE GROUP: | Tweens | Teens | Families | All ages | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | Sincerely - Adams County Poet Laureate | Performance | Community Event | Arts & Culture |
TAGS: | Youth | Teens | Teen | Poetry slam | Poetry | National Poetry Month | Kerrie Joy | Contest |
Located in: Northglenn Recreation Center
Address: 1 E Mem Pkwy Entrance, Northglenn, CO 80233
Phone: (303) 450-8888